This year we will be focusing on positive behavior. The school-wide rules are the following: be respectful; be responsible, and be safe. We will use the school-wide rules to help guide our behavior while we will follow a weather model based on the seven habits of happy kids:
- Sunny: the student does the right thing because it is the right thing to do
- Partly Cloudy and Cloudy: the student does what is expected when they are reminded (2-3 reminders)
- Rainy: the student needs to be bossed to behave and will be asked to develop an Action Plan to turn their behavior around
- Stormy: the student’s behavior is out of control and/or unsafe and an office referral will be made
- Rainbow: after showing a change in their choices, everyone gets a chance to change their day from rainy/stormy to a rainbow day
The consequences for a behavior falling in levels rainy or stormy are logical. For example, the student will be asked to explain why the behavior falls within rainy or stormy. Then the student will create an action plan or a logical consequence for their behavior. This plan will be in a written form which will then be sent home for you to review and sign. “If you break it, you fix it.” In contrast, for good behavior students will earn brag tags signifying that they are displaying one of the seven habits.